Elipse Personal Portfolio HTML5 Template

As a web developer, I am always looking for new and exciting technologies to add to my portfolio. Elipse Personal Portfolio HTML5 Template is one of those technologies. I have been happy about making it for a while now, and I love it. I remember when I first started, I was coding everything in HTML4. It was a pain because there were so many different ways to do things, and it was hard to keep track of everything.  With Elipse Personal Portfolio HTML5 Template, everything is so much simpler. There is only one way to do things, and everything is very well organized. Not only that, but Elipse HTML5 is also highly versatile. It can be used for a wide variety of applications. You can use it to create websites, web applications, and even mobile apps. It is truly a versatile technology. This Elipse website template is responsive and looks great on all devices. This template is clean-minimal, superfast, and lightweight with the Disqus comment box and W3C validated code and bootstrap framew...

Quando A content focused and minimal Ghost theme

Quando A content focused and minimal Ghost theme

Quando is a content-focused and minimal ghost theme. This theme is for bloggers, journalists, activists, writers, and authors. 

See more at Ghost CMS Marketplace

This is fully responsive. Quando has a lot of features that you need like; Featured post slider, Multi-authors, Membership & Subscription, Clean Design, Koenig Editor, fullwidth image support, Disqus comment box, and more.

This ghost cms theme is made with SEO-friendly coding, so don't worry Quando loads too fast as you want and it will rank fast on the search engine.

Live Preview Quando Ghost Theme
